Oh god! only three days left of 2010!
How is everyone taking this? well , i hope.
New years bring a chance for new beginings, new promises, and new ... days?
And for those of you (like me) who dont actually beleive in time, the new year is just another day, but you still get to make....
terms and conditions apply, spelling and resluts may varry, mostly my sepelling, and probably mostly my results.
Reselutions for Sam:
*Be a better friend , treat my friends to more surprises, im planning a surprise day for every one of them.
*FINALLY finish the last draft of purple, god , its taking forver.
*Loose weight (its the most popular reselution in the world you know , fact):L:L
*Be a better family member, yes dad. Im cleaning the house once a week now.
*Spend more time with papa bear. Yepo dad, im coming on more drives with you now too.
*Look after caitlin more (this includes babysitting, jennifer, if youre reading this, your staying in my house with caitlin and ava a LOT from now on)
*meditate a lot more, im becoming a little bit outta touch with buddha, its saddening.
A lovely person I know summed me up wonderfully today :
'Meet Samantha, Shes a buddhist writer who likes sushi, swing music, fruit, sci fi tv, comics and doesnt shut up about her friends or her boyfriend.... ever.'
Have a fantastic 2011 everyone, happy blogging ^^
One Girls Epic Quest to discover all she can about her universe, and her many distractions and wonderful people she meets along her way.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Sushi is delightfull !
Do you have any idea how odd a teenage girl can look while walking around a mc donalds with a super berry blast health smootie , a sonic shirt, a print skirt and a tray of sushi?
very odd.
I can use chopsticks like a pro, and I feel so wonderfull after that. It was fantasic, Sushi is brilliant.
So, today summed up :
Bought Bullying campaign wrist bands.
Got sushi.
Went home.
Talked about sushi.
Got more sushi.
Excersise time :L
My days are very productive. Raw fish and sit ups.
OH! also, Im gettign into the 80s again. (god help the world)
Thats right, im coverd in pacman acsessories, and 80's tv shirts.
And my music taste is rather 'takkkkeeee meeeee onnnnnn' these days.
But still, swing is king. Swing is the best type of music ever..... WAIT.
best types of music :
Indie, Rock, Punk, Swing, 80's, Acoustic, Electric violin & summery music. I love summery music.
'Samantha, im going to get chips and a burger , what do you want?'
'Nothing ^^, id ratehr have raw fish and a run thank you very much'
Todays LOL quote for my granny XD
Do you have any idea how odd a teenage girl can look while walking around a mc donalds with a super berry blast health smootie , a sonic shirt, a print skirt and a tray of sushi?
very odd.
I can use chopsticks like a pro, and I feel so wonderfull after that. It was fantasic, Sushi is brilliant.
So, today summed up :
Bought Bullying campaign wrist bands.
Got sushi.
Went home.
Talked about sushi.
Got more sushi.
Excersise time :L
My days are very productive. Raw fish and sit ups.
OH! also, Im gettign into the 80s again. (god help the world)
Thats right, im coverd in pacman acsessories, and 80's tv shirts.
And my music taste is rather 'takkkkeeee meeeee onnnnnn' these days.
But still, swing is king. Swing is the best type of music ever..... WAIT.
best types of music :
Indie, Rock, Punk, Swing, 80's, Acoustic, Electric violin & summery music. I love summery music.
'Samantha, im going to get chips and a burger , what do you want?'
'Nothing ^^, id ratehr have raw fish and a run thank you very much'
Todays LOL quote for my granny XD
Monday, 27 December 2010
thanksies skins ^^

After going through the entire skins website and reading all their amazing profiles , I have decided to be amazing and make my own ! :D
so, here goes.
Name: Samantha Ann-Maire- my second name could be pretty dumb to put online-
Relationship status:Wonderfully unsingle, with a wonderful Simon (:
Religious views: Raised instruct Catholic, but I am also Buddhist (do NOT correct my spelling) keep in mind that Buddhism is not a religion, but a set example, Buddha was a lovely fat person, who was very peaceful and happy and wanted to set an example, not start a church.
Political Views: why cant everybody just get along?
Motto: -that noise you make when you put your lips together and sigh , it kinda sounds like a horse-
About me:Um....I’m Samantha, but call me whatever you want , I answer to Sam, Sammeh, Samaimai, Co-co, anything uninsulting. Unless its Jennifer calling me bitch.
I love to collect things and keep them in neat piles, I love sci-fi and my wall of stuff, I like Charlie McDonnell and acting, I have a boyfriend, Simon, who I like very much indeed. I am trapped in a horrible school that is not actually that horrible if you take away the teachers and chavs.
I’m short and blonde and ginger and dark haired all at once, and I like to narrate my life when im alone, or with people who know me very well.
I love photography, and my family, vintage stuff makes me smile, and I like video games. I also like calling Black Ops BLOPS. I like scrubs, and dr who and skins and a town called eureka, and writing, I love writing
, and reading. And I believe that if someone can write something that causes someone else to feel a new emotion, they are great at writing.
I like my dads pizza, and my dad.
Chris Martin is a genius and my mother was the most beautiful lady in existence ever.
Colm, Jennifer, Ryan, my other friends.
Video Games
Star Gazing
Rainbow drops
Not sleeping
Bracelets and Necklaces
Rock Music that makes my family complain that the house is vibrating
Swing, because it is extremely sexy and cute at the same time
Books:Star girl, Love: Star girl, P.s I love you, The book of tommrow.Bleach.. (thank you Simon)
Music:My chemical Romance, Greenday, Paramore, Fall out boy, Death Cab for cutie, MGMT, Michael Buble, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Snow patrol, Marianas Trench, Duran Duran (thank you dad) , Owl city, Scouting for girls, No doubt, Panic! at the disco, The script, the xx, Anything not made by skinny white guys on computers and fat black guys talking. Or blonde swishy haired twerps who have no writing talent and an unbroken voice.
Movies:Shallow Hall, Anything with been stiller in it- zoolander, tropic thunder etc.Briget Jones, James bond, DIE HARD DIE HARD DIE HARD, back to the future, back to the future 11,ALice in wonderland, back to the future 111, anything in the action/comedy genre. AND BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS.
Stories:Well, when I was 4 I (almost) broke my nose using only a shoelace and a glass bottle. That’s a story.
I HATE McDonalds, burger king, any fast food at all. That’s obviously a story
When I was a kid I used to fan myself with a chinease fan the wrong way, i used to complain about why there was no fanning air. I also used to have 'seatbelt races' with my dad. And I once had a fat kitty. I once got shouted at by my dad becuase i tried to chase the sun and ended up five miles away from my house , i was six.
They are all stories, right?
Dream:Well, I wanna be a journalisit or a teacher, but i would love to be on an action/drama/comedy cult kinda show like misfits or skins.
I want to have a family, a daughter, or a son, or both, and a husband who has messy hair and a cute smile, and a birthmark. And a fat cat, two actually, one can be skinny, and a big dog and a goldfish. Many golfish, all named after celebrites (my -deceased-goldfishes names are maddona and robbie williams, may they rest in peace in fishy heaven)
Unusual interests and facts about me:
1. Im surprisingly good at reciting random tales that go on for far too long.
2. I like xbox, but not sandwhiches.
3. I dance a lot.
4. Im a fantastic animal impressionnest.
5. I am half austraillain
6. I have an OCD with when things are to be tidied and how neat they are to be (but only every two months, the rest of the time i can live in a shat hole. But i dont)
7. I have the mental ability of a seven year old , but a seven yearold who knows everything about ww1 , ww1, and shakesphere.
Thank you baby, you can read, its brilliant.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Merry christmas from oz (:
Hey Baby,
yes. you are all baby.
So, how is everyone back home? (and for anyone who isnt Irish, how are you anyway?)
Its begining to look a lot like christmas (:
(Well, kinda. its still sunny :L)
my hair is growing, which is always lovely. I read ps i love you and then sat on my bed for a while realising i didnt exactly like it, and im keeping a diary.
there where kangaroos !
(in this park there where also ducks, which got me much more excited than the kangaroos.)
so yeah, im a little less homesick, and a little more excited about how its christmas , and how i get to go home realllly soon ^^ (15 days)
so yes, im going to carols by candellight tonight and then im going to ahve an amazing 17 people christmas dinner outside in forty oc (all of the people are my autraillian family )
anywho, this is a quick one.
Cya (:
P.s- Simon, i miss you a lot ):
yes. you are all baby.
So, how is everyone back home? (and for anyone who isnt Irish, how are you anyway?)
Its begining to look a lot like christmas (:
(Well, kinda. its still sunny :L)
my hair is growing, which is always lovely. I read ps i love you and then sat on my bed for a while realising i didnt exactly like it, and im keeping a diary.
there where kangaroos !
(in this park there where also ducks, which got me much more excited than the kangaroos.)
so yeah, im a little less homesick, and a little more excited about how its christmas , and how i get to go home realllly soon ^^ (15 days)
so yes, im going to carols by candellight tonight and then im going to ahve an amazing 17 people christmas dinner outside in forty oc (all of the people are my autraillian family )
anywho, this is a quick one.
Cya (:
P.s- Simon, i miss you a lot ):
Saturday, 18 December 2010
homesick )':
im really homesick.
its terrible.
I miss my lovely boyfirend, and my crazy dad, and my adorable goddaughter, and my wonderfull best friends. im so sad ):
ive been listening to 'christmas lights' by coldplay all day, my aunt here went to see them this year, so im jealous of here being four feet away from chris martin.
i really miss christmas.
its summer here, itss aslo christmas, but the kids just got off for summer.
'when your still waiting for the snow to fall , it doesnt really feel like christmas at all'
thank you coldplay :'(
my beautiful wonderfull friend martin drew me a picture to try and cheer me up
its terrible.
I miss my lovely boyfirend, and my crazy dad, and my adorable goddaughter, and my wonderfull best friends. im so sad ):
ive been listening to 'christmas lights' by coldplay all day, my aunt here went to see them this year, so im jealous of here being four feet away from chris martin.
i really miss christmas.
its summer here, itss aslo christmas, but the kids just got off for summer.
'when your still waiting for the snow to fall , it doesnt really feel like christmas at all'
thank you coldplay :'(
my beautiful wonderfull friend martin drew me a picture to try and cheer me up
thats me surrounded by those who i love, im the blonde one (:
Thursday, 16 December 2010
'Gallas' in the park :D

this is the view from my aunts balcony, the sky is so good here
they have 'kangaroo crossing signs here'
galla bird number one
number two
number three
sun from my walk this morning
Basically, austrialia is EPIC and amazing, i love it here, and i plan to come back many times in my life :D
so yeah, comment away, also, new friend MILLIE <3

Also, my relitives and i have disscused, instead of ww3 , we should have a giant COD off. Agreed?
Friday, 10 December 2010
G'day from down under :L
Yo, blogging world!
My past few days have been very interesting indeed.
here we go-
1.On the airlingus flight to germany, i realisied how amazing the irish are compared to everyone else :L i saw the control part of the plane (thank you pilots) also, i bought a dairy milk, it melted to complete liquid thanks to my body heat. :L
2. I learnt that german people are mean sometimes, and instead of having wheelchairs in the airports they have car things, mario cart, airport addition (the evil dude is the skinny weird german lady who amde my grandmother and all her ingurys cclimb endless stairs)
3. The flight to milaysa has a song playing the enitre time caleld 'beautiful aisa' but it also has gorgoues flight attendant ladys, and amazing tv (alice in wonderland, all time low cds, the script cds, power puff girls :p and inception, which i still... dont get)and adorable food! in little tiny boxes.
4.miylaisas airport is super expensive, and super warm, and they have a drink called sprit, its disgusting.
5. i sleep with my head on plane seat tables. A LOT.
6. when you get to austraillia. its amazing ^^
7. my family are all so epic! and so is the mall and scenery
8. I really miss a lot of people here.
9. Theres a shop called jay hays that speciailises in clourd jeans and nerdy t-shirts, its the best shop ever.
10. I really love the stars, and climbing.
11. Its incredably hard not to start talking with an austraillian accent :L
blog on!
My past few days have been very interesting indeed.
here we go-
1.On the airlingus flight to germany, i realisied how amazing the irish are compared to everyone else :L i saw the control part of the plane (thank you pilots) also, i bought a dairy milk, it melted to complete liquid thanks to my body heat. :L
2. I learnt that german people are mean sometimes, and instead of having wheelchairs in the airports they have car things, mario cart, airport addition (the evil dude is the skinny weird german lady who amde my grandmother and all her ingurys cclimb endless stairs)
3. The flight to milaysa has a song playing the enitre time caleld 'beautiful aisa' but it also has gorgoues flight attendant ladys, and amazing tv (alice in wonderland, all time low cds, the script cds, power puff girls :p and inception, which i still... dont get)and adorable food! in little tiny boxes.
4.miylaisas airport is super expensive, and super warm, and they have a drink called sprit, its disgusting.
5. i sleep with my head on plane seat tables. A LOT.
6. when you get to austraillia. its amazing ^^
7. my family are all so epic! and so is the mall and scenery
8. I really miss a lot of people here.
9. Theres a shop called jay hays that speciailises in clourd jeans and nerdy t-shirts, its the best shop ever.
10. I really love the stars, and climbing.
11. Its incredably hard not to start talking with an austraillian accent :L
blog on!
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Hello Aisa! :D
one more flight to go untill austraillia!
so, im in kuala lumpar airport. Waiting till my plane arrives.
They have birds inside airports here.
Its cute :3
Also, its half seven.
And its at least 27 degrees.
Ill keep up to date and give a full summary of my day when i get to my aunts :D
i love you all!
one more flight to go untill austraillia!
so, im in kuala lumpar airport. Waiting till my plane arrives.
They have birds inside airports here.
Its cute :3
Also, its half seven.
And its at least 27 degrees.
Ill keep up to date and give a full summary of my day when i get to my aunts :D
i love you all!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Less than a day to go!
Less than one day , really!
In 24 hours time i will be on a plane! :O
So im spending today:
1.Last minute packing
2.Saying bye.
This is extremly exciting, but pretty sad too!
Im going to miss everyone so much!
i got a really lovely message last night from jo :
"My dearest Samantha/simon/samami/star girl ^^
I am writing to tell you that on your long journey across the sea to the great land of austraila to keep all of us in ireland in mind, especailly that time lord of a boyfriend of yours :3
and while your gazing out your plane window, reading the first (or prehaps the second) stargirl, and listening to the script, maybe you could spare a thought for your manly/victorin/insane good friend jo?
becase you know youll be in her thoughts, she'll be waiting on you to come back for more midnight teaparties in the dark, dress up nights in her clothes, make up, and hair. Everything you and her have shared.
This month is going to be hard for me, knowing I cant see you. But i must stay strong! for when your sugar sits untouched, only then will i know i have to wait, wait on possibly one of the best things that has ever happend to me, so come back soon, ill be waiting for you to return, i love you alot <3
lots of love ,
jothenigga <3
This message mae me smile SOOO much, she knows me soo well, and no friend has ever wrote something like that for me. Its adorable.
Jo , if your reading this, IM GOING TO MISS YOU.
ok, on other news:
I'm writing a story, called 'The consillence'
Basically, its a paranormal/scifi/action/romance/comedy.
And I'll be opening another blog to start putting it out on the Internet.
Ive put together an advertisement type thing:
So here it is:
Have you ever been stabbed from the inside out?
No, of course not.
Have I?
Yes, of course.
People say theres a first time for everything, well me. I've never been that first.
Untill now.
Im an orphan, from a city, a huge city, not a famous city, not Newyork, Not London, A city none of you would ever have heard of. Look it up, its name is Mandrikan. And I dont even know where it is. I havent seen it since I was an infant, and with carers like this, ive always been to afriad to ask. Its my sixteenth birthday.
I'm running.
I'm Running from The orpahnage.
The cuts on my knees, and the brusies on my arms are pulling me through the snow.
Its four in the morning.
Novemember 25th.
Is that fire?
In the sky? No way.
I can feel the tips of my toes freezing up as i stop to stare up, the sky looked as if it was on fire, thousands of little blocks covering up the coulds. I can hear cheering, but there is no one in sight.
"Oh wow"
A little tiny voice fills the air as my eyes open.
I cant feel my arms for the cold, or my legs. I cant feel me at all.
As my eyes get used to seeing again, I notice a little girl, with a torch.
Shes barley five years old, in a dress, far too cold for weather like this, with blonde hair to her shoulders.
"Come'n" She says to me, kneeling down to my face. "We'll have t bring you home"
And Then Im being carried.
By this little tiny girl.
Who is running, faster than any car.
I close my eyes, just incase i feel woozy, and when i open them again, im being thrown down to a table.
"Go on, save her"
"Why, she doesnt look that-"
"I saved you, and you didnt look that-"
"Right, right, okay. If you bloody well insist"
My eyes couldnt make out who the voices belonged to.
For by the time i could really concentrate.
I had been knocked out.
Ok! so lets explain the plot!
Vienna is an orphan, who is taken from her city in france, that she calls "Mandrikan"
She calls it this becuase "Mandrikan" is the last word she remembers hearing Before being taken away, the orphanage carers begin to abuse her in her orphanage in a small town just of London.
So she runs away on her sixteenth birthday, but gets caught up in what she describes as some kind of 'street party'. Its really a pre-consillence festival.
The consillence, are a very large World wide group of paranormal creatures, amde up of
Vampires. (average number in exsistance : 400)
Warewolves. ( average number in exsistance : 300)
Half deads. (number in exsitance: 3)
They work together as a group of creatures to defeat all evils in the world they live in, here is a chain expalining how so:
In 24 hours time i will be on a plane! :O
So im spending today:
1.Last minute packing
2.Saying bye.
This is extremly exciting, but pretty sad too!
Im going to miss everyone so much!
i got a really lovely message last night from jo :
"My dearest Samantha/simon/samami/star girl ^^
I am writing to tell you that on your long journey across the sea to the great land of austraila to keep all of us in ireland in mind, especailly that time lord of a boyfriend of yours :3
and while your gazing out your plane window, reading the first (or prehaps the second) stargirl, and listening to the script, maybe you could spare a thought for your manly/victorin/insane good friend jo?
becase you know youll be in her thoughts, she'll be waiting on you to come back for more midnight teaparties in the dark, dress up nights in her clothes, make up, and hair. Everything you and her have shared.
This month is going to be hard for me, knowing I cant see you. But i must stay strong! for when your sugar sits untouched, only then will i know i have to wait, wait on possibly one of the best things that has ever happend to me, so come back soon, ill be waiting for you to return, i love you alot <3
lots of love ,
jothenigga <3
This message mae me smile SOOO much, she knows me soo well, and no friend has ever wrote something like that for me. Its adorable.
Jo , if your reading this, IM GOING TO MISS YOU.
I'm writing a story, called 'The consillence'
Basically, its a paranormal/scifi/action/romance/comedy.
And I'll be opening another blog to start putting it out on the Internet.
Ive put together an advertisement type thing:
So here it is:
Have you ever been stabbed from the inside out?
No, of course not.
Have I?
Yes, of course.
People say theres a first time for everything, well me. I've never been that first.
Untill now.
Im an orphan, from a city, a huge city, not a famous city, not Newyork, Not London, A city none of you would ever have heard of. Look it up, its name is Mandrikan. And I dont even know where it is. I havent seen it since I was an infant, and with carers like this, ive always been to afriad to ask. Its my sixteenth birthday.
I'm running.
I'm Running from The orpahnage.
The cuts on my knees, and the brusies on my arms are pulling me through the snow.
Its four in the morning.
Novemember 25th.
Is that fire?
In the sky? No way.
I can feel the tips of my toes freezing up as i stop to stare up, the sky looked as if it was on fire, thousands of little blocks covering up the coulds. I can hear cheering, but there is no one in sight.
"Oh wow"
A little tiny voice fills the air as my eyes open.
I cant feel my arms for the cold, or my legs. I cant feel me at all.
As my eyes get used to seeing again, I notice a little girl, with a torch.
Shes barley five years old, in a dress, far too cold for weather like this, with blonde hair to her shoulders.
"Come'n" She says to me, kneeling down to my face. "We'll have t bring you home"
And Then Im being carried.
By this little tiny girl.
Who is running, faster than any car.
I close my eyes, just incase i feel woozy, and when i open them again, im being thrown down to a table.
"Go on, save her"
"Why, she doesnt look that-"
"I saved you, and you didnt look that-"
"Right, right, okay. If you bloody well insist"
My eyes couldnt make out who the voices belonged to.
For by the time i could really concentrate.
I had been knocked out.
Ok! so lets explain the plot!
Vienna is an orphan, who is taken from her city in france, that she calls "Mandrikan"
She calls it this becuase "Mandrikan" is the last word she remembers hearing Before being taken away, the orphanage carers begin to abuse her in her orphanage in a small town just of London.
So she runs away on her sixteenth birthday, but gets caught up in what she describes as some kind of 'street party'. Its really a pre-consillence festival.
The consillence, are a very large World wide group of paranormal creatures, amde up of
Vampires. (average number in exsistance : 400)
Warewolves. ( average number in exsistance : 300)
Half deads. (number in exsitance: 3)
They work together as a group of creatures to defeat all evils in the world they live in, here is a chain expalining how so:
Vampires: Suck the blood of
Evils (murderers, rapists etc) whos bodys are then sent to and ate by
Warewolves, who send the bones to
Half deads, who crush the bones with their super human strength, ilute them in water, and drink them to stay ..alive isnt the corrct word.
Now, this is where it gets complicate T-T
These vampires DONT make otehr people vampires by biting their neck.
(Dipped in the blood of the first ever vampire in exsistance)
The warewolves have one too.
That regrads to a leader AND a sword.
And the half deads.
Their leader is a charecter called Jared - aged 703 (17).
The other two members
Stephen- aged 690 (16)
Ella- aged 400 (4)
(in brackets, is their 'apperance' age)
Now lets explain what a half dead does :
Half deads:
Creatures with the ability to:
Travel time.
Become a ghost whenever they please
Carry up to 7000x their own weight
Ok, so anywho.
laugh at my plan if you wish, but im still going to write it :D
Monday, 6 December 2010
Thank you, mr Buble.
This song may be very popular, but its lovely.
I'll be listening to it in austraillia.
And this -
Marianas trench, possibly the best thing to come outta canada. ever.
Beisde you.
And dont forget this-
Colplay, being lovely.
And this-
possibly one of my favourite songs ever.
One more-
I miss you, one of the greatest songs that will ever exsist.
Thats what ill be listening to.
Merry christmas, cya later Classmates.
This song may be very popular, but its lovely.
I'll be listening to it in austraillia.
And this -
Marianas trench, possibly the best thing to come outta canada. ever.
Beisde you.
And dont forget this-
Colplay, being lovely.
And this-
possibly one of my favourite songs ever.
One more-
I miss you, one of the greatest songs that will ever exsist.
Thats what ill be listening to.
Merry christmas, cya later Classmates.
Well have halloween on christmas, and in the night well wish this never ends
Eating cotton wool and A tribute to Niamhy
And so, my day began with a certin Finola charecter,one of the lovliest people on this planet.
oh and before i forget!
My beautiful sister type friend jennifer is sick , she just ggot her apendicts out D:
get well soon jenny xx
Tribute time!
Niamh, if your reading this, this is for you (duh) (:
Everyone else, if your reading this , check out Niamhs blogm her witty sense of humor and vintage style is fantastic ! (: (shes rather smart too)
Her bloggy blog : http://borninthewrongdecade-niamhy.blogspot.com/
I found some stuff around my house that reminded me of her, so here they be!
Also - theres my placemat!
One of my best cds -
And Niamhy likes her movies, mostly her old movies, so im wondering, does she like my mothers poster?
And thats it! wait, let me give her some bobby darin to drool over (:
There we go! Yay!
We where in our technology class, making chirstmas music boxes, there was cotton wool, we put it on our mouths (: i simply cannot explain how odd that feels! also! here is finolas wonderfull chirstmas music box (i gave it eyes so it would look like a zu zu pet)
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Zu zu pet! the button makes it make noise! |
My beautiful sister type friend jennifer is sick , she just ggot her apendicts out D:
get well soon jenny xx
Tribute time!
Niamh, if your reading this, this is for you (duh) (:
Everyone else, if your reading this , check out Niamhs blogm her witty sense of humor and vintage style is fantastic ! (: (shes rather smart too)
Her bloggy blog : http://borninthewrongdecade-niamhy.blogspot.com/
I found some stuff around my house that reminded me of her, so here they be!
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One of many posters to be found in my home. |
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lovely advice, sinatra! |
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my kitchen is nice, theres nomming there (: |
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My mothers odd taste in decorating :L |
There we go! Yay!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Remember I said night night? Well, I lied.
Insomnia is the reason i didnt log off :L
So : heres my thoughts for now!
The lovely Emily:
Shes from bristol, and she makes my friend Dan epicsmile, so how can i NOT love her?
Bristol people are adorable.
Im hoping to get her over her in summer, for at least a sleepover.
Emily! your coming to ireland, where the sheep and lepricons live!
Thank you for being so fantatsic and making these (almost) eight months so wonderfully amazing(: <73
My completly beautiful darling goddaughter CAITLIN <3
shes only three, and i adore her so much, she is like a sister, and her little sis ava is on my 'i love you so much' list to! I mean look at this: (i love my family soooo much)
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The two of them together, being adorable. |
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Caitlin on a slide <3 |
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ava on a swing! |
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Caitlin being a (warrior) princess! |
Guitar playing, teenage, fluffy jesus haired, story writing, madmen with boxes.
prehaps the correct context (:
I came home in my taxi to the didgeridoo hanging on the wall and my pa singing 'its begining to look a lot like christmas'
I found out my boyfriend/timelord/distraction is trying to buy me seris 1 and 2 of skins AND mulan for christmas :O
simply becuase its my favourite disney movie ever.
im begging you.
But yes, this so cheeeessssy and coverd in intercatcheese.
But hes the greatest, funniest guy i have ever met.
And hes fantastic.
And i love him.
thats tonights blogging done. Time to log off, and try to beat insomnia for one more night :D
waiting to see what te school think of my bright red and blonde hair.
probably not much good stuff.
in three days ill be on the other side of the world anyway! :L
night night blogging world.
enjoy this charmander >
Guitar playing, teenage, fluffy jesus haired, story writing, madmen with boxes.
prehaps the correct context (:
I came home in my taxi to the didgeridoo hanging on the wall and my pa singing 'its begining to look a lot like christmas'
I found out my boyfriend/timelord/distraction is trying to buy me seris 1 and 2 of skins AND mulan for christmas :O
simply becuase its my favourite disney movie ever.
im begging you.
But yes, this so cheeeessssy and coverd in intercatcheese.
But hes the greatest, funniest guy i have ever met.
And hes fantastic.
And i love him.
thats tonights blogging done. Time to log off, and try to beat insomnia for one more night :D
waiting to see what te school think of my bright red and blonde hair.
probably not much good stuff.
in three days ill be on the other side of the world anyway! :L
night night blogging world.
enjoy this charmander >
Talented friends!
I have so many talented friends! They all have some kind of talent, its so good!
A really cool example of this is my friend gareth, and his art.
I mean COME ON. look at this stuff
I f you dont think those dragons are awesome your stupid. Seriosuly.
Listening to:
Ticket outta loserville - son of dork
Reading- Facts of space / the merchant of venice (again :P)
Watching- Seris four of doctor who (clap clap clap)
Collecting: Austraillian dollars and bottle caps :D
Going to listen to: The xx ablum , then some snow patrol, maybe some sinatra!
A really cool example of this is my friend gareth, and his art.
I mean COME ON. look at this stuff
I f you dont think those dragons are awesome your stupid. Seriosuly.
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American Idiot. Gareth being fantastic. |
Listening to:
Ticket outta loserville - son of dork
Reading- Facts of space / the merchant of venice (again :P)
Watching- Seris four of doctor who (clap clap clap)
Collecting: Austraillian dollars and bottle caps :D
Going to listen to: The xx ablum , then some snow patrol, maybe some sinatra!
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I would actually peirce my ears if someone got me these :P |
Having a wall, and filling it with stuff!
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Everything that is samantha. |
The wall at a very (large) glance.
This wall, is my pride and glory! :L its everything that makes a 'manfa' creature, the being that i am! lets give a little tour!
from left to right, starting with the top row:
- A drawing by my beautiful friend Jo! She is a wonderfull person and this is her artwork, she later photographed her wearing this drawing of a face as a mask like a pro, that was a fun day.
- My name tag, and a font i feel describes me as a person, the caption underneath is : (if you ever forget your name, see above)
- A tag for my boyfriend , the caption underneath saying TIMELORD AT LARGE (i would call him my favourite person, but he is not a person, he is a timelord)
- A tag for one of my bestest friends in the world, who just happens to look a LOT like harry potter
- The you me at six ablum cover for 'hold me down' simply becuase i love them a lot.
- A FANTASTIC quote about spelling from the genius that is the oatmeal, check out his website here : http://theoatmeal.com/
- A small collection of cute animals i collected from my chinease calender. Lovely
- SECOND ROW. Begining with a picture of my favourite charecter in 'skins' ever. Cassie ainsworth, skins fans would call her 'lovely'
- A picture i found on deviant art called; a mothers love. I think its beautiful
- Ed edd n eddy! just beacuse they are wonderfull!
- Stargirl, my favourite book. EVER.
- A teeeny weeany greenday poster, becuase they are geniuses.
- You (yes you) ned to stop being so adorable ... this explains itself
- the viva la vida artwork for the genius group, COLDPLAY. a collaberation of some of the coolest males on this planet.
- Romeo and julliet artwork, one of my favourite shakesphere stories, after the merchent of venice. DUCATS.
- a tag for my best friend, Jennifer (:
- The scripts ablum cover, i bought that before the script where famous, im a true fan.
- Fall out boy quote: WE DO IT IN THE DARK, WITH SMILES ON OUR FACES, i really just put that up there to freak out my dad
- The ticket from when i went to see paramore.
- Tim burtons alice in wonderland , he is a fantastic man
- A kickass poster (i feel this movie sums up my dreams)
- The power puff girls.
- Me being bored in spanish class and writing all over a page. (:
- A wanted GIRLFRIEND poster, a friend sent it to me, saying that i should apply, becuase i was perfect in the qualifacations :D
- The love of a cactus and a blaoon, i love this, becuase it shows how love can get through anything. adorable.
- a poster i made for my darling daniel , my gay best friend of ten years who i adore so so much
- a teeny weany obama.
- Plank! from ed edd n eddy
- More ed edd n eddy. My favourite episode, dear cartoon network fans : LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION
- UNDER THE FALL OUT BOY QUOTE I USED TO SCARE MY DAD (IM SORRY, THIS IS SO JUMBLED) snow patrol live, going to be the best night of my life, someday
- fall out boy anime, i thought it was wonderfull.
- A T.A.R.D.I.S sign, devoted and dedicated to simon.
- Back to the future, in cartoon form :D
- I love you with all my enternal organs, i said this to simon, he laughed.
- Sugar were going down, dearest fall out boy fans, don you adore this picture?
- Dancing.. legs :L to show my love for fiftys culture.
- Some comedic drawigs, of cats.
- My starbucks coin!
- My other starbucks coin!
- UNDER SNOW PATORL LIVE: perth, the beautiful city i am going to.
- cartoonnetwork summed up, im a ninetys kid you see.
- Yoda! (starwars fangirl)
- Christopher drew ingle singing what is love? that boy is glourious.
- A winding path, going tinto poetry, and daydreaming.
- The script, along with some wonderfully writen lyrics and a certin yummy lead singer *drool*
- The cast of the FIRST skins , FIRST SKINS IS BEST SKINS.
http://charliemcdonnell.com/ !!
Ah ha ha!
Charlie, you are so coolike!
(check out this fantastic boys website, im getting his c.d for chirstmas! ((and thinking of getting the Trock collection too! (((with the help of alex day and his other lovely friends of course))) check out alex day too! ((((nerimon)))) OH WOW I LOVE UNESSECRY BRAKETS INSIDE BRACKETS! :D )
Oh how im going to miss the snow whilst im away ):
And the wonderfull friends! ):
I love cold chirstmas's and i love spending them with the people i love the most in the world!
I wont even get to see my goddaughter this year!
i cant wait to see my austraillian family!
(and to annoyingly sing 'down under' all through the ENTIRE twenty four hour plane flight)
Also, this means my blog can be....
ill make a teeeennny weaannny little post for everyone i will miss the most
Doc & Kevin
karen& kevin
Aimee and holly, shuna and all of the wonderfull beautiful fantastic class i am part of!
My blog will get pretty personal for a post or two
My dad also told me, im getting a kitten!
This is FANTASTIC news.
Im going to call him toffee cat
or coffee cat
or starbucks.
or Mikey.
Well, anyway. thats my boring personal samantha posting over for now.
I must put on my greenday hoodie and go down to collect my coffe and toast!
Happy blogging! x
enjoy your cofee like i do! with a scarf, a jumper, a chocolate coin, and three tshirts underneath!
And mittens!
Charlie, you are so coolike!
(check out this fantastic boys website, im getting his c.d for chirstmas! ((and thinking of getting the Trock collection too! (((with the help of alex day and his other lovely friends of course))) check out alex day too! ((((nerimon)))) OH WOW I LOVE UNESSECRY BRAKETS INSIDE BRACKETS! :D )
Oh how im going to miss the snow whilst im away ):
And the wonderfull friends! ):
I love cold chirstmas's and i love spending them with the people i love the most in the world!
I wont even get to see my goddaughter this year!
i cant wait to see my austraillian family!
(and to annoyingly sing 'down under' all through the ENTIRE twenty four hour plane flight)
Also, this means my blog can be....
ill make a teeeennny weaannny little post for everyone i will miss the most
Doc & Kevin
karen& kevin
Aimee and holly, shuna and all of the wonderfull beautiful fantastic class i am part of!
My dad also told me, im getting a kitten!
This is FANTASTIC news.
Im going to call him toffee cat
or coffee cat
or starbucks.
or Mikey.
Well, anyway. thats my boring personal samantha posting over for now.
I must put on my greenday hoodie and go down to collect my coffe and toast!
Happy blogging! x
enjoy your cofee like i do! with a scarf, a jumper, a chocolate coin, and three tshirts underneath!
And mittens!
Get well soon family, I advise coffee, F.r.i.e.n.d.s, and a blaanket with sleeves.
Dearest family !
Get well before we go to austraillia please!
Drink your hot chocolate and take your medicane, please?
Get well soon steven, you too pat xx
So, I woke up this morning,
To find my book 'all about this universe and paranormal happenings' was lying on my face.
And I have an interesting story to share to go along with my quest!
(after reading everything factual/odd/encyclopedic/interesting/scientifical possible)
The story (about ghosts) that is a FACTUAL story and is completly true, is called:
The girl who fetched the doctor
she begged the doctor to help her mother, a month after her own death.
Doctor S. Weir Mitchell, an emiment 19th century never specailist, fell asleep in his chair one evening after a very tring day of work. Awakend soon, by the sound of his ringing doorbell, he found a thin, shivering girl standing in his doorway, pulling a thredbare shawl around her shoulders. She begged him to come and help her mother, who was desperatly ill. The doctor followed her through snowy streets, to an old tenement, where the girl led him upstairs.
There, the doctor found a sick woman, he diagnosed her for having pneumonia, and sent for the medicenes she needed. He made the woman as comfortable as possible and congratulated her on having such a duitiful daughter.
To this, the woman looked up with surprise and she said : My daughter died a month ago, her shoes and shawl are in that little cupoard.
The doctor looked, and found the shwal, folded and far too dry to have ever been out in the snow, it was exactly the same shawll as he had saw the little girl in, he was baffled. He called for the girl and looked for her, but she was nowhere to be found.
Now I LOVE this story.
Not only becuase it gives me the creeps, and i love the creeps.
But it also warms my heart.
This story could be looked at as creepy and scary ~ a story about a ghost
Or it could be looked at as a little angel trying to save her mother ~ a story about a gurdian angel.
Think about it (:
Get well before we go to austraillia please!
Drink your hot chocolate and take your medicane, please?
Get well soon steven, you too pat xx
So, I woke up this morning,
To find my book 'all about this universe and paranormal happenings' was lying on my face.
And I have an interesting story to share to go along with my quest!
(after reading everything factual/odd/encyclopedic/interesting/scientifical possible)
The story (about ghosts) that is a FACTUAL story and is completly true, is called:
The girl who fetched the doctor
she begged the doctor to help her mother, a month after her own death.
Doctor S. Weir Mitchell, an emiment 19th century never specailist, fell asleep in his chair one evening after a very tring day of work. Awakend soon, by the sound of his ringing doorbell, he found a thin, shivering girl standing in his doorway, pulling a thredbare shawl around her shoulders. She begged him to come and help her mother, who was desperatly ill. The doctor followed her through snowy streets, to an old tenement, where the girl led him upstairs.
There, the doctor found a sick woman, he diagnosed her for having pneumonia, and sent for the medicenes she needed. He made the woman as comfortable as possible and congratulated her on having such a duitiful daughter.
To this, the woman looked up with surprise and she said : My daughter died a month ago, her shoes and shawl are in that little cupoard.
The doctor looked, and found the shwal, folded and far too dry to have ever been out in the snow, it was exactly the same shawll as he had saw the little girl in, he was baffled. He called for the girl and looked for her, but she was nowhere to be found.
Now I LOVE this story.
Not only becuase it gives me the creeps, and i love the creeps.
But it also warms my heart.
This story could be looked at as creepy and scary ~ a story about a ghost
Or it could be looked at as a little angel trying to save her mother ~ a story about a gurdian angel.
Think about it (:
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Having tents instead of Fights
Bulit a tent with my fantastic boyfriend from a blanket today :D
was lovley.
Its much eaiser to talk about stuff in a tent.
I felt like i was about six years old.
[you know your meant to be with someone when you can make sitting in one room for six hours into the coolest day you have ever lived in your life]
My dad bought a didgeridoo,i felt like he was about six years old :)
and i had a plastic fruit war with my two best friends.
good day :D
But, im going soon.
for christmas.
Chirstmas in the sun should be interesting
I leave on wedensday :O
so im making the most of the snow and the friends , becuase ill be gone from thhem for a whole month!
So ill keep posted :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJcq38cAmv0&feature=related << greenday, and christmas! <3
was lovley.
Its much eaiser to talk about stuff in a tent.
I felt like i was about six years old.
[you know your meant to be with someone when you can make sitting in one room for six hours into the coolest day you have ever lived in your life]
My dad bought a didgeridoo,i felt like he was about six years old :)
and i had a plastic fruit war with my two best friends.
good day :D
But, im going soon.
for christmas.
Chirstmas in the sun should be interesting
I leave on wedensday :O
so im making the most of the snow and the friends , becuase ill be gone from thhem for a whole month!
So ill keep posted :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJcq38cAmv0&feature=related << greenday, and christmas! <3
The soundtrack of my thoughts
Well well well,
i has soundtrack :D
The song im really focusing on right now is...
strawberry swing- coldplay.
They were sitting
They were sitting on the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious
They were sitting
They were talking under strawberry swing
Everybody was for fighting
Wouldn't wanna waste a thing
Cold, cold water bring me round
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Cold, cold water what ya say?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day
I remember
We were walking up to strawberry swing
I can't wait until the morning
Wouldn't wanna change a thing
People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day
Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time
Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time
Could be blue,
Could be grey
Without you I’m just miles away
Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time
Arnt those lyrics beautiful? (:
I think they sum up my mind and my thoughts about a certin person/people very well.
you know who you are.
i really adore coldplay for writing this, i think its a masterpeice, and i believe everyone should enjoy it.
People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away?
be strange, darling (:
I really do love this song, but its nothing to daydream to without the music!
So im going to be lovvely and give you a link to life :D
here you go : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb9X5jMofEo&feature=related
The video is also a work of art, chris an the band really out di themselves here (:
My dad came home at nine pm to my house whilst me and my boyfriend where there.
he bought a didgeridoo.
hes showing it off and trying to play it.
he is being so childish and wonderfull :D
he loves his pound, and his puppy XD
i has soundtrack :D
The song im really focusing on right now is...
strawberry swing- coldplay.
They were sitting
They were sitting on the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious
They were sitting
They were talking under strawberry swing
Everybody was for fighting
Wouldn't wanna waste a thing
Cold, cold water bring me round
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Cold, cold water what ya say?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day
I remember
We were walking up to strawberry swing
I can't wait until the morning
Wouldn't wanna change a thing
People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day
Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time
Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time
Could be blue,
Could be grey
Without you I’m just miles away
Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time
Arnt those lyrics beautiful? (:
I think they sum up my mind and my thoughts about a certin person/people very well.
you know who you are.
i really adore coldplay for writing this, i think its a masterpeice, and i believe everyone should enjoy it.
People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away?
be strange, darling (:
I really do love this song, but its nothing to daydream to without the music!
So im going to be lovvely and give you a link to life :D
here you go : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb9X5jMofEo&feature=related
The video is also a work of art, chris an the band really out di themselves here (:
My dad came home at nine pm to my house whilst me and my boyfriend where there.
he bought a didgeridoo.
hes showing it off and trying to play it.
he is being so childish and wonderfull :D
he loves his pound, and his puppy XD
Who thinks so too?
Why hello there *sipps 23:42pm cofee*
Lovely to see you here,
welcome to my views
use them wisely.
The (seven) rules of life and how to live it IN MY OPINION:
1. Laugh, Love, Live long and prosper:
No, this first rule isnt just fantasticaly named to match up with my scifi loving self, it is also as true as jupiter is a mass of gas (pretty dam true in the eyes of the 1975 edition of the true facts and amazing stories book by readers digest .. (not like im reading it , or anything)
If you dont laugh, elfs die.
Yes, its true, every second you spend frowning when you could be, shoul be, would be laughing, another elf dies. Are you really that disgusting?
Love like there is no tommrow. If you dont embrace the world you have, when you die, you will never had have loved anything enough to enjoy it! (hear that emos?? get lovin it like mcdonalds)
Live long and prosper.
2. If somehtng goes wrong, concentrate on everyting that is still going right:
"Oh god! Tiffinay, some guy just stole my dog, rumors about me are going around school, Derek is considering dumping me, and im gaining weight! WHUT DO?"
Well, strage girl.
Concentrate on this:
They stole your dog, you still have a house.
Your dog could have been killed, but it wasnt.
The rumors could have been worse, and no one will beleive them in the end, they willall get tired, their young and stupid, so am I, and you. So stop worrying. Derek isnt a dick for cosidering dumping you, he could have cheated on you, died, or hurt you. But he didnt, maybe its just not meant to be. Who honestly cares if yougain weight? your still alive, right?
3.Discover what you can, and be as smart as possible.
(This doesnt mean you have to get straight As in everything)
This world, this universe, this galaxy, isnt it glorious?
everything that happens, love, war, friendship, the big bang, evaloution, everything. Its beautful, and i would hate to die knowing that i could have known it better.
Life is like a friend.
If you dont know them as well as you can, you are very dissapointed at the time you wasted when you die.
4.Love what you have, and stop being jealous.
So what? That girls car is nicer than yours.
Not in everyones mind.
this applies to everything.
You have a life.
Your alive.
Your reading this.
Stop wanting more, and start hating less.
5.Be a kid till you die.
Yes, a kid till death.
This doesnt mean act immature and cry when you dont get what you want.
But is does mean love things like a kid does.
When you give a kid a pound, they are amazed.
When you give an adult a pound, they dont care.
When you give a child a puppy, they love it.
When you give an adult a puppy, they comaplian about the mess it makes.
Be a kid.
6. Relax, you'll find him/her.
I was.
Im not now.
You wont be forever.
Lots of lonely people are looking for someone like you.
Someone with your intelligence, and attitude, eyes, personallity, smile. No matter who you are.
Someone will love you.
I promise.
7. Have as many interests as possible, colelct what you can for future referance, invent SOMETHING AT SOMEPOINT, and practice any skill you want to have untill you get it right.
(explains itself)
This is how i beleve life should be lived, who thinks so too?
Lovely to see you here,
welcome to my views
use them wisely.
The (seven) rules of life and how to live it IN MY OPINION:
1. Laugh, Love, Live long and prosper:
No, this first rule isnt just fantasticaly named to match up with my scifi loving self, it is also as true as jupiter is a mass of gas (pretty dam true in the eyes of the 1975 edition of the true facts and amazing stories book by readers digest .. (not like im reading it , or anything)
If you dont laugh, elfs die.
Yes, its true, every second you spend frowning when you could be, shoul be, would be laughing, another elf dies. Are you really that disgusting?
Love like there is no tommrow. If you dont embrace the world you have, when you die, you will never had have loved anything enough to enjoy it! (hear that emos?? get lovin it like mcdonalds)
Live long and prosper.
2. If somehtng goes wrong, concentrate on everyting that is still going right:
"Oh god! Tiffinay, some guy just stole my dog, rumors about me are going around school, Derek is considering dumping me, and im gaining weight! WHUT DO?"
Well, strage girl.
Concentrate on this:
They stole your dog, you still have a house.
Your dog could have been killed, but it wasnt.
The rumors could have been worse, and no one will beleive them in the end, they willall get tired, their young and stupid, so am I, and you. So stop worrying. Derek isnt a dick for cosidering dumping you, he could have cheated on you, died, or hurt you. But he didnt, maybe its just not meant to be. Who honestly cares if yougain weight? your still alive, right?
3.Discover what you can, and be as smart as possible.
(This doesnt mean you have to get straight As in everything)
This world, this universe, this galaxy, isnt it glorious?
everything that happens, love, war, friendship, the big bang, evaloution, everything. Its beautful, and i would hate to die knowing that i could have known it better.
Life is like a friend.
If you dont know them as well as you can, you are very dissapointed at the time you wasted when you die.
4.Love what you have, and stop being jealous.
So what? That girls car is nicer than yours.
Not in everyones mind.
this applies to everything.
You have a life.
Your alive.
Your reading this.
Stop wanting more, and start hating less.
5.Be a kid till you die.
Yes, a kid till death.
This doesnt mean act immature and cry when you dont get what you want.
But is does mean love things like a kid does.
When you give a kid a pound, they are amazed.
When you give an adult a pound, they dont care.
When you give a child a puppy, they love it.
When you give an adult a puppy, they comaplian about the mess it makes.
Be a kid.
6. Relax, you'll find him/her.
I was.
Im not now.
You wont be forever.
Lots of lonely people are looking for someone like you.
Someone with your intelligence, and attitude, eyes, personallity, smile. No matter who you are.
Someone will love you.
I promise.
7. Have as many interests as possible, colelct what you can for future referance, invent SOMETHING AT SOMEPOINT, and practice any skill you want to have untill you get it right.
(explains itself)
This is how i beleve life should be lived, who thinks so too?
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