Hellloooo blogbabys.
samanthas in the airport, saying bye bye to austraillia.
New years day blog-
I’ve been yes! And I’ve been OH HELL NO!
Hellllooooo bloggerbabys. (Don’t even ask, I’ve been calling almost everyone/everything baby lately.)
Happy 2011! What glorious things could happen this year! I wish you the best of luck and happiness! YAY!
New years eve for me was basically overeating, feeling sick, finding no fireworks and hugging my grandma. I actually had a brilliant night, heard some stories about my nanny as a teenager, and dances, jives etc, I also watched an Elvis movie. It was actually rather great, I didn’t even know Elvis could act (Ps. Niamhy? Can you please tell me the name of the movie where Mr Presley performs ‘jailhouse rock’? if you do I may throw you a thank you celebration). I spent my new years morning watching reruns of ‘get smart’ and ‘hello Lucy’ Naimh, again may well appreciate this.
Im reading a fantastic book (ALMOST AS GOOD AS STARGIRL, WHICH IS UNBELLEVIABLE COMING FROM THE BIGGEST STARGIRL FAN IN HISTORY) called : ‘Dash & Lily’s book of dares’ I must admit, this is a perfect book for a Samantha. Im relating to Lily as a twin sister (Along with star girl, Cassie Ainsworth & Alice in wonderland) I also think I have developed a book crush on Dash, but he is quite similar to someone I know (Its probably rather guessable who) So yes, its okay to have multiple crushes on a both real human type thing and their book equivalent. Right?
The book of dares is a cute, cool, smart idea, and to anyone who likes Blonde haired childish dozy girls and smart, punk, snarling boys in messy hair and dark blue jeans coming together on a teenage adventure (and falling for each other AND getting arrested for catching babies in the street) I highly advise this book to you. Seriously. Read it.
So now I feel kind of excited/kind of ‘eugh, its January’ I mean really, what a month to return to Ireland, the rainiest (NO OFFENCE RAIN , I STILL LOVE YOU, OUR REALTIONSHIP IS STILL STABLE BABY) windiest, dreariest contury in the world, right in the middle of the most depressing , dreariest month in the year. It sounds like a set up for an emo novel, but still Ireland is Ireland, and Samantha is Samantha, and Samantha loves her Ireland very much.
Q. Is it terribly odd that I enjoy tomato ketchup sandwiches?
Please give your views.
Q.Eveyone knows that glass bottled coke tastes better than canned, and canned tastes better than plastic bottled, it’s the law, But does anyone else agree that if you where to pour canned coke (chilled) into a plastic bottle (clean) it would taste a hell of a lot better than plastic bottled coke itself?
Again, Views in the comment section would be widely adored. Babies.
Q.Can someone get me an OED dictionary for my birthday?
Along with a make your own sushi kit?
Or a dvd of get smart?
Or A teddy bear with a waistcoat?
Or A kitten?
Or Canned coke in a plastic bottle?
Or A book of dares?
Or A homemade movie production of star girl? (Anyone who wants to be a director can take this on)
Oh wait, an old fashioned camera on a strap to go around my neack or fairy lights for my room would be nice too.. In the shape of Delorens, daddy? (;
T.A.R.D.I.S fairy lights would be just as beautiful.
(Dear readers, don’t pay attention to my wish list, but rather send it on to my papa?)
(Also keep in mind my birthday is in May…yeah.)
I have a song I like. Its called Animals. Im rather sorry boyfriend, but its very , very indie. Very.
I have a task. For anyone who reads this. To do a post (or include in a post)on their favourite thing about January and leave a link to me before it so I can read, I don’t like when the entire world gets the blues for a month.
Thank you baby. You can still read. This is pretty helpful.
and now for now! :D
Hello good humans :D
So, I'm in Perth. Saying bye bye to the sunshine D:
but im very very very very very excited to get back home and see my dad and my friends :)
I have to go to milyisa, then ansterdam, then dublin, then home, YAY.
basically, short update and reminder im still alive.
I love you all.
Bye ^^
One Girls Epic Quest to discover all she can about her universe, and her many distractions and wonderful people she meets along her way.
Friday, 7 January 2011
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Oh woah, its almost the new year!
Oh god! only three days left of 2010!
How is everyone taking this? well , i hope.
New years bring a chance for new beginings, new promises, and new ... days?
And for those of you (like me) who dont actually beleive in time, the new year is just another day, but you still get to make....
terms and conditions apply, spelling and resluts may varry, mostly my sepelling, and probably mostly my results.
Reselutions for Sam:
*Be a better friend , treat my friends to more surprises, im planning a surprise day for every one of them.
*FINALLY finish the last draft of purple, god , its taking forver.
*Loose weight (its the most popular reselution in the world you know , fact):L:L
*Be a better family member, yes dad. Im cleaning the house once a week now.
*Spend more time with papa bear. Yepo dad, im coming on more drives with you now too.
*Look after caitlin more (this includes babysitting, jennifer, if youre reading this, your staying in my house with caitlin and ava a LOT from now on)
*meditate a lot more, im becoming a little bit outta touch with buddha, its saddening.
A lovely person I know summed me up wonderfully today :
'Meet Samantha, Shes a buddhist writer who likes sushi, swing music, fruit, sci fi tv, comics and doesnt shut up about her friends or her boyfriend.... ever.'
Have a fantastic 2011 everyone, happy blogging ^^
How is everyone taking this? well , i hope.
New years bring a chance for new beginings, new promises, and new ... days?
And for those of you (like me) who dont actually beleive in time, the new year is just another day, but you still get to make....
terms and conditions apply, spelling and resluts may varry, mostly my sepelling, and probably mostly my results.
Reselutions for Sam:
*Be a better friend , treat my friends to more surprises, im planning a surprise day for every one of them.
*FINALLY finish the last draft of purple, god , its taking forver.
*Loose weight (its the most popular reselution in the world you know , fact):L:L
*Be a better family member, yes dad. Im cleaning the house once a week now.
*Spend more time with papa bear. Yepo dad, im coming on more drives with you now too.
*Look after caitlin more (this includes babysitting, jennifer, if youre reading this, your staying in my house with caitlin and ava a LOT from now on)
*meditate a lot more, im becoming a little bit outta touch with buddha, its saddening.
A lovely person I know summed me up wonderfully today :
'Meet Samantha, Shes a buddhist writer who likes sushi, swing music, fruit, sci fi tv, comics and doesnt shut up about her friends or her boyfriend.... ever.'
Have a fantastic 2011 everyone, happy blogging ^^
Sushi is delightfull !
Do you have any idea how odd a teenage girl can look while walking around a mc donalds with a super berry blast health smootie , a sonic shirt, a print skirt and a tray of sushi?
very odd.
I can use chopsticks like a pro, and I feel so wonderfull after that. It was fantasic, Sushi is brilliant.
So, today summed up :
Bought Bullying campaign wrist bands.
Got sushi.
Went home.
Talked about sushi.
Got more sushi.
Excersise time :L
My days are very productive. Raw fish and sit ups.
OH! also, Im gettign into the 80s again. (god help the world)
Thats right, im coverd in pacman acsessories, and 80's tv shirts.
And my music taste is rather 'takkkkeeee meeeee onnnnnn' these days.
But still, swing is king. Swing is the best type of music ever..... WAIT.
best types of music :
Indie, Rock, Punk, Swing, 80's, Acoustic, Electric violin & summery music. I love summery music.
'Samantha, im going to get chips and a burger , what do you want?'
'Nothing ^^, id ratehr have raw fish and a run thank you very much'
Todays LOL quote for my granny XD
Do you have any idea how odd a teenage girl can look while walking around a mc donalds with a super berry blast health smootie , a sonic shirt, a print skirt and a tray of sushi?
very odd.
I can use chopsticks like a pro, and I feel so wonderfull after that. It was fantasic, Sushi is brilliant.
So, today summed up :
Bought Bullying campaign wrist bands.
Got sushi.
Went home.
Talked about sushi.
Got more sushi.
Excersise time :L
My days are very productive. Raw fish and sit ups.
OH! also, Im gettign into the 80s again. (god help the world)
Thats right, im coverd in pacman acsessories, and 80's tv shirts.
And my music taste is rather 'takkkkeeee meeeee onnnnnn' these days.
But still, swing is king. Swing is the best type of music ever..... WAIT.
best types of music :
Indie, Rock, Punk, Swing, 80's, Acoustic, Electric violin & summery music. I love summery music.
'Samantha, im going to get chips and a burger , what do you want?'
'Nothing ^^, id ratehr have raw fish and a run thank you very much'
Todays LOL quote for my granny XD
Monday, 27 December 2010
thanksies skins ^^

After going through the entire skins website and reading all their amazing profiles , I have decided to be amazing and make my own ! :D
so, here goes.
Name: Samantha Ann-Maire- my second name could be pretty dumb to put online-
Relationship status:Wonderfully unsingle, with a wonderful Simon (:
Religious views: Raised instruct Catholic, but I am also Buddhist (do NOT correct my spelling) keep in mind that Buddhism is not a religion, but a set example, Buddha was a lovely fat person, who was very peaceful and happy and wanted to set an example, not start a church.
Political Views: why cant everybody just get along?
Motto: -that noise you make when you put your lips together and sigh , it kinda sounds like a horse-
About me:Um....I’m Samantha, but call me whatever you want , I answer to Sam, Sammeh, Samaimai, Co-co, anything uninsulting. Unless its Jennifer calling me bitch.
I love to collect things and keep them in neat piles, I love sci-fi and my wall of stuff, I like Charlie McDonnell and acting, I have a boyfriend, Simon, who I like very much indeed. I am trapped in a horrible school that is not actually that horrible if you take away the teachers and chavs.
I’m short and blonde and ginger and dark haired all at once, and I like to narrate my life when im alone, or with people who know me very well.
I love photography, and my family, vintage stuff makes me smile, and I like video games. I also like calling Black Ops BLOPS. I like scrubs, and dr who and skins and a town called eureka, and writing, I love writing
, and reading. And I believe that if someone can write something that causes someone else to feel a new emotion, they are great at writing.
I like my dads pizza, and my dad.
Chris Martin is a genius and my mother was the most beautiful lady in existence ever.
Colm, Jennifer, Ryan, my other friends.
Video Games
Star Gazing
Rainbow drops
Not sleeping
Bracelets and Necklaces
Rock Music that makes my family complain that the house is vibrating
Swing, because it is extremely sexy and cute at the same time
Books:Star girl, Love: Star girl, P.s I love you, The book of tommrow.Bleach.. (thank you Simon)
Music:My chemical Romance, Greenday, Paramore, Fall out boy, Death Cab for cutie, MGMT, Michael Buble, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Snow patrol, Marianas Trench, Duran Duran (thank you dad) , Owl city, Scouting for girls, No doubt, Panic! at the disco, The script, the xx, Anything not made by skinny white guys on computers and fat black guys talking. Or blonde swishy haired twerps who have no writing talent and an unbroken voice.
Movies:Shallow Hall, Anything with been stiller in it- zoolander, tropic thunder etc.Briget Jones, James bond, DIE HARD DIE HARD DIE HARD, back to the future, back to the future 11,ALice in wonderland, back to the future 111, anything in the action/comedy genre. AND BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS.
Stories:Well, when I was 4 I (almost) broke my nose using only a shoelace and a glass bottle. That’s a story.
I HATE McDonalds, burger king, any fast food at all. That’s obviously a story
When I was a kid I used to fan myself with a chinease fan the wrong way, i used to complain about why there was no fanning air. I also used to have 'seatbelt races' with my dad. And I once had a fat kitty. I once got shouted at by my dad becuase i tried to chase the sun and ended up five miles away from my house , i was six.
They are all stories, right?
Dream:Well, I wanna be a journalisit or a teacher, but i would love to be on an action/drama/comedy cult kinda show like misfits or skins.
I want to have a family, a daughter, or a son, or both, and a husband who has messy hair and a cute smile, and a birthmark. And a fat cat, two actually, one can be skinny, and a big dog and a goldfish. Many golfish, all named after celebrites (my -deceased-goldfishes names are maddona and robbie williams, may they rest in peace in fishy heaven)
Unusual interests and facts about me:
1. Im surprisingly good at reciting random tales that go on for far too long.
2. I like xbox, but not sandwhiches.
3. I dance a lot.
4. Im a fantastic animal impressionnest.
5. I am half austraillain
6. I have an OCD with when things are to be tidied and how neat they are to be (but only every two months, the rest of the time i can live in a shat hole. But i dont)
7. I have the mental ability of a seven year old , but a seven yearold who knows everything about ww1 , ww1, and shakesphere.
Thank you baby, you can read, its brilliant.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Merry christmas from oz (:
Hey Baby,
yes. you are all baby.
So, how is everyone back home? (and for anyone who isnt Irish, how are you anyway?)
Its begining to look a lot like christmas (:
(Well, kinda. its still sunny :L)
my hair is growing, which is always lovely. I read ps i love you and then sat on my bed for a while realising i didnt exactly like it, and im keeping a diary.
there where kangaroos !
(in this park there where also ducks, which got me much more excited than the kangaroos.)
so yeah, im a little less homesick, and a little more excited about how its christmas , and how i get to go home realllly soon ^^ (15 days)
so yes, im going to carols by candellight tonight and then im going to ahve an amazing 17 people christmas dinner outside in forty oc (all of the people are my autraillian family )
anywho, this is a quick one.
Cya (:
P.s- Simon, i miss you a lot ):
yes. you are all baby.
So, how is everyone back home? (and for anyone who isnt Irish, how are you anyway?)
Its begining to look a lot like christmas (:
(Well, kinda. its still sunny :L)
my hair is growing, which is always lovely. I read ps i love you and then sat on my bed for a while realising i didnt exactly like it, and im keeping a diary.
there where kangaroos !
(in this park there where also ducks, which got me much more excited than the kangaroos.)
so yeah, im a little less homesick, and a little more excited about how its christmas , and how i get to go home realllly soon ^^ (15 days)
so yes, im going to carols by candellight tonight and then im going to ahve an amazing 17 people christmas dinner outside in forty oc (all of the people are my autraillian family )
anywho, this is a quick one.
Cya (:
P.s- Simon, i miss you a lot ):
Saturday, 18 December 2010
homesick )':
im really homesick.
its terrible.
I miss my lovely boyfirend, and my crazy dad, and my adorable goddaughter, and my wonderfull best friends. im so sad ):
ive been listening to 'christmas lights' by coldplay all day, my aunt here went to see them this year, so im jealous of here being four feet away from chris martin.
i really miss christmas.
its summer here, itss aslo christmas, but the kids just got off for summer.
'when your still waiting for the snow to fall , it doesnt really feel like christmas at all'
thank you coldplay :'(
my beautiful wonderfull friend martin drew me a picture to try and cheer me up
its terrible.
I miss my lovely boyfirend, and my crazy dad, and my adorable goddaughter, and my wonderfull best friends. im so sad ):
ive been listening to 'christmas lights' by coldplay all day, my aunt here went to see them this year, so im jealous of here being four feet away from chris martin.
i really miss christmas.
its summer here, itss aslo christmas, but the kids just got off for summer.
'when your still waiting for the snow to fall , it doesnt really feel like christmas at all'
thank you coldplay :'(
my beautiful wonderfull friend martin drew me a picture to try and cheer me up
thats me surrounded by those who i love, im the blonde one (:
Thursday, 16 December 2010
'Gallas' in the park :D

this is the view from my aunts balcony, the sky is so good here
they have 'kangaroo crossing signs here'
galla bird number one
number two
number three
sun from my walk this morning
Basically, austrialia is EPIC and amazing, i love it here, and i plan to come back many times in my life :D
so yeah, comment away, also, new friend MILLIE <3

Also, my relitives and i have disscused, instead of ww3 , we should have a giant COD off. Agreed?
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